How often do you clean your windows? Is it sad I had to "Google" "how to clean windows"? We've lived in our house for almost three years now and the urge to wash the windows came on full force over the past few months. That's strange, isn't it? Who has an urge to clean windows? I think I have a problem!
It was a gradual build-up. I mentioned to that cute guy I live with that we should clean the windows. I think he mumbled something to Munson about me being crazy and continued whatever he was doing, probably playing Mafia Wars on Facebook.
But, I was determined. I went to Target and spent forty-five minutes determining what supplies to buy. Should I go with brand name cleaners, hard-core bleach or home-spun, organic, so-safe-you-can eat-it cleaner? I researched "cleaning" recipes -- like mix ammonia with water and a drop of dish soap (but don't add bleach -- did you know that mixing ammonia and bleach makes toxic fumes??...good thing I did my research!). I settled on a Swiffer 360 to dust the blinds. And, in the end, I went home-spun for the cleaning solution. Ammonia and hot water. Spray on, wipe off. And, I used a newspaper to wipe the actual window panes. Because newspaper won't leave streaks like paper towels do. How crazy is that??
But, I was determined. I went to Target and spent forty-five minutes determining what supplies to buy. Should I go with brand name cleaners, hard-core bleach or home-spun, organic, so-safe-you-can eat-it cleaner? I researched "cleaning" recipes -- like mix ammonia with water and a drop of dish soap (but don't add bleach -- did you know that mixing ammonia and bleach makes toxic fumes??...good thing I did my research!). I settled on a Swiffer 360 to dust the blinds. And, in the end, I went home-spun for the cleaning solution. Ammonia and hot water. Spray on, wipe off. And, I used a newspaper to wipe the actual window panes. Because newspaper won't leave streaks like paper towels do. How crazy is that??
I learned, apparently, you should dust your blinds more than once every three years. You would not believe how gleaming the windows, sills and blinds are! Or, maybe you would because maybe you clean your blinds a little more often. The view out of the windows is so crystal clear. I think the dirt must have come a little at a time over the past few years and I didn't realize how it was obstructing the light.
I'm pacing myself to clean all 27 windows in our house. It's a monotonous chore. I wonder to myself if it would be any easier a task had I stayed on top of cleaning the windows.
And, I can see the parallels this chore has to my life right now. How often do we let the dust settle so subtly in our lives that we don't realize how it's obstructing our view of His plans for us? How wonderful would it be to Swiffer away all the unimportant in the everyday so His light could come shining through? What if I did something every day to "stay on top of it" -- so that I don't wake up one day feeling like I am in darkness?
So, I pray. I spend time in devotion. I have Bible verses e-mailed to me so that His word will be written on my heart. And, when I find myself feeling in the dark, I remember to keep searching for the light.
What little thing do you do to keep clean the window of your soul?
And...p.s. -- what other chores literally...not figuratively...beyond the basic...dust, vacuum, etc. should I be doing more than once every couple of years?! Yikes!
I am linking this post over at "Chatting at the Sky" where the always-inspiring Emily is hosting "Tuesdays Unwrapped".
okay, I do better at the windows of my soul than the windows of my house (which is not saying much--you should see my windows!). You might have inspired me to tackle those.
As far as the windows of my thing that really helps me is journalling. I don't do it daily, but a few times a week. My latest pattern is to pour out my heart...listing the things on my mind and heart...then read scripture and write down how God speaks to me. Often it's specific to what I had written down...usually turns into a prayer as well.
I love your image of keeping on top of dust settling on our souls like the dust on blinds and windows. That will stick with me! Thanks!
I loved this post. In my book, Home Improvement, I liken housecleaning to heart-cleaning. It is really amazing how comparable the two are.
Good, deep thoughts. But I'm going to comment on how often I clean windows, umm, well, I remember helping my mom as a kid every spring! Does that count? I haven't lived anywhere for three years since college (and who cleans dorm windows?) so I don't know how long I can go. I guess I'll find out since we just bought our first house!
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