Sunday, October 25, 2009

Tis the Season

Last weekend, we soaked up all that autumn offers with a visit to Burt's Pumpkin Patch and a couple of apple orchards. It was FREEZING cold...but so fun! If you click on this pic to make it bigger you can see the look of pain on my face. Did I mention it was so COLD!? I have about 15 layers on, too. These pumpkins were HUGE and weighed a ton! Burt's is a seasonal must. And, totally worth the drive. Dan is such a cutie!
At the orchards...Rome Beauties were pretty much all that was left. We just baked warm apple crisp!

This is the entrance to Hillcrest. There were tons of activities like pig racing and petting zoos. We headed up the road to BJ's apple orchard...which was a little less crowded...but didn't have pig racing. Boo.
Giving my best wicked stepmother...or was it Wicked Witch...impression. Either way, where's Snow White?
Feeling pretty concerned about what's going to happen to all 'dem apples!
Beautiful views! I think it would be fun to live in the country if they started building malls out there! How lame am I?
It was a perfect weekend. If you haven't indulged in a fall activity, don't let the time pass you by. Seize the season!

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